Simply put, the Gole del Raganello or Raganello Canyon is breathtaking! This massive and seemingly bottomless canyon is about 17 km long and stretches from San Lorenzo Belizzi to Civita in the province of Cosenza.
From the town of Civita, you can capture one of the most impressive views of this canyon from the look-point located not too far from the main piazza. As you approach the edge of the look-out point, your heart begins to race and your eyes widen in complete awe and disbelief of this incredible natural wonder that stands before you.

From this look-point you can make your descent down the winding steps towards the Devil’s Bridge.

If you crave more, go deep into the depths of this canyon and hike through the rocks and cold running water at its base.

There are many other adventure excursions that you can sign up for, operated by qualified and well-organized operators, that will make your experience at the Raganello Canyon even more unforgettable.