Situated on the Tyrrhenian coast, on what is known as the Riviera dei Cedri, the charming seaside town of Belvedere Marittimo definitely lives up to its name with its gorgeous panoramic views of the surrounding sea and mountains. The town has an ancient history dating back to at least the medieval era, but some believe it was founded by the ancient Greeks.

In the old town you can still see remnants of its distant past. Sitting on the high hilltop is the Castello del Principe which was built in the 11th century. Later, in 1490, the castle was equipped with a drawbridge and fortified with walls and two cylinder-shaped towers.

There is a small square nearby that offers a breathtaking view of the town below backed by its gorgeous blue sea waters – just one of the many incredible views of the Riviera dei Cedri that you’ll find in Belvedere Marittimo.